No, they are different in a variety of ways. Besides the constancy effects of SR, light waves are transverse whereas water waves are primarily longitudinal with transverse effects at the surface.
If you eliminate constancy and simultaneity from the issue, light waves are nearly identical to waves in solids. Waves in solids actually conform to certain quantum mechanical effects and are measured in what are called "phonons". (even though it is known that a "phonon" is just a concept with no physical reality)
The issue with the multiple waves you're describing is likely an issue of multiple frequencies being created by the boat and since different frequencies propagate at different speeds, what looks like a single wave at the origin will spread out into the multiple frequencies it is composed of at a distance. Assume there are other complex effects at work as well but I think this mechanic likely holds primary responsibility.
Creation time: Mar 24, 2014 07:19 PM PDT
As others pointed out, the difference is mostly the frequency but there is a little vagueness in terminology around this subject matter, so let me clarify a bit.
First let’s ask, “What are waves?”
Waves are the motion of local particles which accompany the compression and rarefaction of a substance which is recovering from a disturbance of equilibrium. The unequal distribution of forces cause particles to move toward areas of least resistance but inertia and lag in reaction times can cause bunching.
This is a simplified 2D representation of waves, but presents the basic idea of what is occurring when something is waving.
(I would normally recommend the Penn state website here but it seems to be temporarily down at the moment.)
All waves that occur in reality (other than light) are considered mechanical waves. This, of course, excludes regularly varying data which might also use the term but may be just an abstraction.
Therefore “sound waves” and “ocean waves” are the same thing: Mechanical waves but at very different frequencies. Many waves are outside the human range of hearing such as ultra-sound. Waves travel in every sort of material to one extent or another and at very different speeds depending on the properties of the medium they travel in. Often the terms “sound wave” and “mechanical wave” are used interchangeably but many frequencies of mechanical wave cannot be heard.
Sound transfers because it’s just mechanical vibration.
When you speak into the old kids-style telephone of two cans/cups with a tight string connecting them, the vibrations you put into the air, transfer to the can, then to the string and then to the other can. Depending on the tension in the string, the speed of the “sound” traveling through it will be very different from sound travelling through the air because of the properties of the rigidity of the string. (how fast individual particles can distribute forces and return)
Now let’s talk about ocean waves and sound waves.
When you think of a “regular” wave on the ocean, you’re actually thinking of a surface wave. A surface wave, however, is just what occurs when any mechanical wave travels alongside a border. There are some differences between the way a solid will express a surface wave and a liquid will because particles that are bound together cannot move around quite the same.
Finally a word on motion types of waves.
The very top image I first showed you is a typical type of wave, found in gasses and liquids, called a longitudinal wave, but there is also another called a transverse wave in which the particles tend to slide back and forth to redistribute the stresses. These are usually the type of wave occurring in a solid.
And then there are those waves which tend to be a combination of the two which you can see occurs with surface waves in the blue image above. (little circles for particle motion)
Waves can even overlap and create some interesting combinations. That’s why you can audibly hear the tiny higher frequency waves of sound underwater as an ocean wave washes over. Little waves of high frequency are travelling through the same water as huge waves of very low frequency -
at the same time and in the same place…
Creation time: Aug 02, 2017 08:33 PM PDT
A fringe is a fragile thing.
The width of a single fringe is representative of a single wavelength of light, therefore vibration only the size of a single wavelength of the light being used would cause the fringes to waver all the way over themselves. Sound waves, depending on the medium and frequency, are usually far larger. (A male vocal sound would be around 8 feet in air while yellow light is around 570 nm)
There’s a number of ways to mess it up.
There’s a couple ways sound might blur the fringe pattern. The first is by directly shaking the device. Sound waves traveling through air will convert to vibrations in materials and travel as “sound waves” in them as well. Therefore the device might be jiggled and the actual distance between mirrors can begin to fluctuate because of the minute motions of the mirrors, therefore the fringes would shift around wildly with the sound.
Bear in mind that a single fringe is the average of many billions (trillions? zillions?) of actual waves striking the surface and just averaging up to the image seen, so there are many interactions occurring from vibration.
A second major way is by altering the gas the light is going through.
The index of refraction and the speed of light will be altered in a medium which is not uniform. When sound waves travel through the air there is a compression and rarefaction of the air which will sightly alter the transmission of the light. Because the size of the measurement is so small and precise, these very small alterations which are not usually visible in every day life, could change the distance or angle the light beams are travelling, or simply the arrival times, and thus change the phase relationship which creates the fringe pattern, once again blurring or obliterating the pattern.
More about fringes: Fringe shift - Wikipedia
Creation time: Aug 19, 2017 12:10 PM PDT
A wave only occurs because particles are “springy” and push against each other. They like their space.
So, when you disturb one of a group of them by pushing or pulling on it, the space or pressure between the particles is increased or reduced. If pressure is reduced, (space increased) then other particles nearby rush into the space to fill it. If the space is reduced (pressure increased) then the other particles nearby move away to try to even out the space they have around them. This is called an “elastic medium.”
Imagine a bunch of polite people in a crowd who all like much more space than they have between them and have great desire to keep the space even around them but they are very fair-minded. Push one into the crowd and all the people nearby start adjusting to make their own space more even. Open up a space and they start to fill it in.
A wave will occur in this group because the moment one person begins to adjust, they throw off the spacing of the next and then that next person starts adjusting. So on it goes down the line.
Waves have a “scrunch” and then a “over-spreading” effect. (peaks and troughs)
This cycle of under and then overcompensation occurs because there is a lag time between the adjustments. The person a mile away in the crowd wouldn’t experience the change to his surroundings until someone right next to him moved and even when someone nearby moves, he can’t instantly move away.
It’s also important to note that, while adding one more person to a crowd makes less space for everyone, it’s a tiny amount that gets spread around to everyone when given enough time.
Push a person in and it takes a moment for the nearby people to react and start adjusting. This means they are too close to the person being pushed in. (The wave peak) As they adjust they also end up closer to the next in the group than the average as well. (the wave peak progressing)
Once the nearby particles (or people) who were first impacted and started to adjust, have successfully adjusted, there is still a question of their momentum and their position with respect to the whole group. (because the whole group is adjusting) After the initial crunch not only do they have to adjust the spacing between each other, but the average spacing of everyone in the group means there’s a particular position in the crowd’s space that they will end up. This “being too far forward” results in the eventual backstroke of the wave that occurs because of the “trough” of the wave.
All these mechanics cannot occur if there is no medium, because there are no particles to wave. (an interesting aside about the history of physics)
A wave is an action a group of things take and cannot exist on its own. A group cannot exist without the individuals but we mistakenly think of a group as a single thing instead of what people are doing. It’s a mental convenience. Particles can wave like a runner can go for a run, but you cannot hold a “run” in your hand any more than you can hold a wave. It isn’t a noun, it’s a verb we mistakenly think of as a noun.
This is why every physicist lost their minds over special relativity at the turn of the century when Einstein suggested that there was no aether for light waves to travel in. (he seemed to be favoring Newton’s ballistic model of light particles) The ballistic model would also account for the null of the Michelson interferometer and also supported Einstein’s later photon theories.
It is interesting to note, however, that Lorentz’s model of an aether was where all the base mathematics for relativity came directly from. (this is well known historically and is directly/openly supported regularly by Einstein himself throughout his career) While Einstein’s theory had no aether medium for light waves, Lorentz’s did but they were widely regarded as “Mathematically Equivalent.”(same in math, different in mechanics)
The difference is that there is still no mechanical explanation of a light wave in modern science because of this. We just accept that it just magically does wave, even though there is a mathematically equivalent theory which would allow it to have a non-magical, mechanical origin for its behavior.
Here’s a blog on the how and why behind special relativity:
Creation time: Sep 26, 2017 06:38 PM PDT
"Indeed, the theory of the propagation of light in a non-homogeneous medium, which Hamilton had developed about ten years earlier, became, by the striking analogy which occurred to him, the starting-point for his famous theories in pure mechanics. Notwithstanding the great popularity reached by the latter, the way which had led to them was nearly forgotten" - Erwin Schroedinger (1926) 'An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules'
As a student of the history of science, I find the above quote to be of a very entertaining quality and especially applicable to this question and so many others that I run into on a daily basis. There’s an almost fractal effect to it that many would call “very meta.”
So I must ask what you mean by “derived from fundamental principles?” because it looks derived from fundamental principles to me.
IMO, One of the most central points of his paper was to call upon the fact that classical principles could be applied to the problem of quantum mechanics within a limit. He fairly dotes on the subject as though it is the very source of his reasoning.
In anticipation of an argument against any classical analogy, he goes on to state many of the problems with the view and continues:
At first sight it does not seem at all tempting, to work out in detail the Hamiltonian analogy as in real undulatory optics.
Then, in explaining that the problem lies in the size relationships in some cases where wavelength and the radii of orbits become similar. He goes on from there to state that it’s one of the most striking features of the new physics dealing with the quantum world that classical mechanics break down and that fact is in the forefront of all physicists’ minds at that time.
Taking into account this fact, which impresses its stamp upon all modern physical reasoning, is one not greatly tempted to investigate whether the non-applicability of ordinary mechanics to micro-mechanical problems is perhaps exactly the same kind as the non-applicability of geometrical optics to the phenomena of diffraction or interference and may, perhaps, be overcome in an exactly similar way?
He basically argues for the idea of scrapping a fully particulate nature to “particles” in favor of explaining all the strangeness in terms of wave behaviors. He points out that the Hamiltonian idea of a moving point can only be used in a situation where there is a large difference between the radii of curvature in a path and the wavelength. (the curvature is large compared to the wavelength)
Otherwise it must be studied as wave phenomena alone and the point particle concept discarded. IE for QM we must think of particles as waves which are spread out and non-localized.
However, this methodology is still classical in nature. The methodology of wave theory is well established at the time. Applying it to the problem at hand is the somewhat novel idea (of de Broglie) Schrodinger is expounding upon.
It is by turning a Hamiltonian system a bit on its head that he blends wave mechanics with more “ordinary” mechanics. Earlier in the paper he states:
Instead of thinking of the surfaces as fixed in space and letting the values of the constant wander from surface to surface, we may equally well think of a certain numerical value of W as attached to a certain individual surface and let the surfaces wander in such a way that each of them continually takes the place and exact form of the following one. Then the quantity u, given by Eq. (6) will denote the normal-velocity of any surface at any one of its points. Adopting this view we arrive at a picture which exactly coincides with the propagation of a stationary wave-system in an optically non-homogeneous (but isotropic) medium.
(Personally, it reminds me of the interchange of Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of flow.)
By using his system of surfaces as waves, he is able to deduce the necessity of a universal constant for determining amplitude. Then by plugging in Planck’s constant, he establishes the necessary relationship between energy and frequency in what he feels is an intuitive fashion.
This then leads to “wave packets” as a better description of particles.
The paper thus far is building up this comparison between “ordinary mechanics” and wave mechanics with the express purpose of showing how an orbit of a point particle which would not normally work when the radii of curvature is not large in comparison to wavelength, is actually approximately the same as a wave packet under the same influence of a center of gravity.
The important thing to note, however, is that the equations used are dispersive. There is a relationship between energy and propagation speed that leads to patterns of interference that give us the “virtual” phenomena of wave packets.
(This reasoning, as stated by Schrodinger, is from Louis de Broglie and therefore components of the derivation are wholly dependent upon de Broglie’s conceptualizations.)
The alignment of wave systems leads to “lumpy” effects that are second order and these effects are the base nature of a particle and therefore the reason the particle appears to be spread out over an area while also having the ability to localize.
As stated above this “motion as a whole” is governed by the laws of ordinary mechanics
It is important to note that this concept of superposition is in no way probabilistic but is so dependent upon subtle initial conditions and complex evolution as to require probability to reasonably handle mathematically. While there may not have been terminology at the time to describe it, this is known as deterministic chaos in recent times.
This leads us towards spherical harmonics.
Throughout the bulk of the rest of the paper he goes on describing how spherical harmonics provide an excellent physical understanding of quantum physics while also supplying the azimuthla and radial quantum numbers..
…by assuming [psi] to be a product of a function of the polar angles and a function of the radius r only.
…and he sums this discussion, somewhat in the middle of it, by saying:
So the whole of the wave-phenomenon, though mathematically spreading throughout all space, is essentially restricted to a small sphere of a few Angstroms diameter which may be called “the atom” according to undulatory mechanics. Any one of the above mentioned solutions (consisting of a product of spherical surface-harmonic and a function of r only) greatly resembles a fundamental vibration of an elastic sphere with a finite number of (1) spheres, (2) cones, (3) planes as “node surfaces.”
Which leads us to believe that the derivation may not have come directly from spherical harmonics but its agreement with it strengthened his probing into the subject strongly enough to provide a sort of retroactive continuity. This sort of back-propagation of confirmatory information can sometimes play a large role in the development of complex discoveries but the non-linear nature of the process sometimes doesn’t provide a simple satisfying narrative.
While he speaks on the boundary condition problem later in the paper, there is some apparently ad hoc reasoning calling upon requirements of the math alone that does little to satisfy, but he does appear to reference one of my favorite topics that goes by many names from “Huygens’ synchronization” to “parametric resonance.” I do not think these discussion topics, however, reveal the processes of derivation from first principles.
They too seem to be a refinement which comes after the fact.
So derivation from first principles looks entirely possible…
But does not seem to be the actual sequence of events for Schrodinger who apparently locked upon de Broglie’s thesis along with a strong belief that a mechanical reasoning could be found to explain how ordinary mechanics seemed to provide an approximation.
This led to expounding upon de Broglie’s work and hitting upon various conveniences and truths that proved the value of the direction he was taking.
The most striking of which was the analogy of Bessel functions and spherical harmonics leading to exactly the right numbers.
Spherical Harmonics:
Schrodinger Equation:
It is important to note that “Schrodinger’s cat” was a purposeful mockery of ideas which held that fuzzy probabilistic features underlay reality rather than simply complex mechanics that require probability to mathematically be dealt with.
One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The first atomic decay would have poisoned it. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts.
It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.
(Emphasis added is my own)
Creation time: Oct 03, 2017 12:45 AM PDT
Excellent question in the context of a string!
The first thing to think of is the idea that a wave is just a tension or stress introduced in a smaller area or group of particles within a larger group of particles. This tension is out of balance or equilibrium so there is a natural seeking of least resistance that occurs. Imagine a crowd of germophobes in an enclosed arena who are very good at making their personal space maximized at all times. Stick another one into the arena and those next to him will adjust because the space around them is no longer equal. After they adjust, the next layer of people will no longer have equal space so they too will adjust and the wave then spreads out from the disturbance of the equilibrium.
“Wait, then what is the downstroke?” you might ask. There’s a combination of momentum and back-propagating adjustment involved. If the new guy in the analogy above ran in quickly then he’s going to have to be slowed down and back up because too much open space will be left behind him. Even if he did not go in quickly, if the reaction of the next person (or particle) is less than instant, then there will be a delay to deal with. So when the first person reaches his perfect middle, he’s messed up the next guy in the line and that guy has to adjust. Once he’s adjusted then the guy who just made him adjust has to adjust again and this goes back and forth in ever smaller parts.
An upstroke is people packed too tightly and a downstroke is them packed too loosely. What is too tight or too loose? Nobody knows until they’ve all adjusted repeatedly and the average is achieved.
When downstroke and upstroke meet the average of too much and too little averages out but there is still momentum to deal with so the disturbance continues to carry through after the apparent happy medium is reached for a moment.
“Hmm, that doesn’t go with a string very well at all…”
Yes, but it’s important to understand the distribution of stresses in a medium and the above analogy is for longitudinal waves but those on the string are transverse ones.
Now what we have is a partial rotation. Think about standing alongside the stretched string and pinching it between two fingers. If you then rotate your hand along the axis towards the ends of the string then the shape you have created looks like those waves on the string, don’t they? So when you have moved the end of the string up and down you’ve induced a rotation and that rotation represents a difference in the tension of the string in that area.
As you noticed in the above analogy, there’s the local effect of spacing or tension and then there’s the global effect of the average they have to eventually hit and each of these interact with and affect the other.
As one wave of rotation collides with the other, the local tension may be even greater via increased rotation (the string is actually stretched a little more in that little area) or it may be decreased down to the apparent average but the overall “average” is still not met and there is also still momentum of the particles as well so the wave continues.
So the temporary annihilation is a local effect that simply looks to us like the wave is removed but the stresses are simply hidden as they transform into other types of stress or motion. Additionally, the global disturbance is not removed because all particles have not reached equilibrium as a larger group.
Therefore the destruction of the wave is an illusion.
Creation time: May 22, 2018 03:53 PM PDT
There are literally too many inventions based on wave mechanics to enumerate. Most of modern technology depends on our understandings of waves in general.
However, it’s crucial to understand that our grasp of wave mechanics is a general set of principles that are separate to those sets of information related directly to the difference between sound and light which is defined by special relativity.
So, what about just the difference between light and sound, what is that?
According to SR light propagates without a medium and is therefore unlike any wave in the universe. The entire idea of a wave is an action like a “car-ride.” or a “jog” yet we cannot have a care ride without a car and we cannot have a jog without a jogger. A wave, before Einstein, was understood as what occurs to an elastic medium when the forces are unequal and it therefore seeks equilibrium and over-corrects. Cars in traffic move in waves and so do crowds of people.
All these waves are mechanical waves and are therefore separate from electromagnetism according to Einstein.
So light, after special relativity, has the special property called “constancy” which allows it to basically shortcut through 3D reality using the 4th dimension which Einstein and Minkowski re-interpreted from Lorentz’s work. Lorentz created a system of math to track optical illusions and therefore had ambiguous data stored in a 4th dimension, mathematically.
Einstein didn’t change that math whatsoever, he just reinterpreted its meaning and therefore utterly changed our concept of light.
Now, even though it complies with literally every single other property and behavior of physical waves, we believe it has no “jogger” to jog and can cut through a new version of reality that Einstein described. Same math, different interpretation.
Most people do not remember this crucial division and historical fact that there was an aether theory that was mathematically equivalent to special relativity that special relativity was based upon. They do not understand the dividing line between mechanical and non-mechanical interpretations lies upon the concept of constancy.
Understanding this historical fact is CRITICAL to understanding this post.
So has this new understanding of reality and the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic ones yielded benefits? No!
The first thing people are going to try to bring up is the GPS system. It’s a good argument, not because it’s accurate, but because addressing it is difficult and technical. It’s also a red herring, so we’re multiple layers of division from the point but I have to address it since others will bring it up.
First, remember that Einstein was using the same math so the difference Einstein actually added (specifically constancy and only constancy) is very very subtle.
The GPS system how two major effects going on.
The differences created by relativistic effects is tiny and atomic clocks have errors.
Doppler effect is the largest effect.
So, even though there are relativistic effects that would occur under even Lorentz’s theory of mechanical electromagnetism, the GPS system has re-synchronization of clocks on a daily basis because the error level is greater than the relativistic corrections.
The second effect is often called relativistic doppler effect and is therefore somehow considered a relativistic effect, when in fact, in this context it is no different from the classical doppler effect found in mechanical waves. (though there are some differences in mediums that create longitudinal vs transverse waves)
This should not be considered a relativistic correction simply because we call it “relativistic doppler.” The difference actually added by relativity in this context is either nonexistent or negligible. (and the same would be true of the mechanical relativistic aether theory)
IE: GPS, by happenstance, is not dependent upon relativity in any way.
Secondary to this, it’s especially not dependent on constancy, even though it should be dependent upon certain relativistic effects if it weren’t for clock error. Those relativistic effects however, are NOT based in constancy and are not separable therefore from a mechanical wave theory. (no dimensional shortcutting magic mediumless waves needed)
“What about other technologies? I’ve heard there’s tons of inventions based on relativity!”
What exactly is relativity?
Unfortunately we call both Lorentz’s kinematics and Einstein’s electromagnetism “special relativity” and this leads to confusion since, time dilation, length contraction and the appearance of light speed constancy all came from Lorentz before Einstein. This is why it used to specifically be called Lorentz-Einstein relativity. Poincare, coined the phrase relativity and it is not just separate from constancy, Einstein later abandoned the idea of constancy during the development of general relativity.
"This is, in my opinion, not the limit of validity of the principle of relativity, but is that of the constancy of the velocity of light, and thus of our current theory of relativity." - Einstein (in reply to Abraham on the accusation that relativity fails because Einstein abandoned constancy)
Then there’s general relativity and it’s quite a different thing more related to gravity and we’re talking about light, specifically.
So, yes, there are technologies that use “relativity” but that’s glossing over the real issue.
The issue we’re addressing here is if our new understanding of light, constancy, which is codified in Minkowski’s convention, and the necessity of a new dimension and the behavior of light cutting through 3D reality, is something that has led to new technology. That answer is no
Since Poincare’s electromagnetism combined with Lorentz’s kinematics is an aether theory mathematically indistinguishable from relativity, the question only comes down to whether there is a mechanical medium or not. This is the one fundamental difference in our understanding. All the other principles of the theory that are used for invention don’t count as “special relativity” really.
The factor of change is not Einstein’s nor are most of the very revolutionary effects of “special relativity.” Those all belong to Larmor and Lorentz. That’s just history that nobody disputes.
It’s the new understanding of light and the new properties of the universe (4th dimension) required to uphold that new viewpoint that we are looking at.
That new “understanding” has gained us literally nothing. Not one single thing.
If you’d like to understand more of the historical context of this close association of classical aether theory with modern theory, how it shaped modern theory and the crossovers, then this is the paper for you:
[1804.01846] History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics
Creation time: Aug 08, 2018 06:20 AM PDT
Nobody else here is going to give you an affirmative, so I’m going to just to spite them. YES! (Hang on to your hat! The ride is going to be bumpy)
Imagine for a moment that Lorentz and Poincare were right in their interpretation of relativity. There is a preferred frame and constancy is an illusion caused by relativity.
This means that there is an aether and therefore if one understands the idea of particle formation that was developing through Lord Kelvin and JJ Thomson, then one understands that atoms are simply complex vortical knots in the substance.
If a particle can move through the substance like a vortex moves through its medium then there are some considerations of center of rotation that change as we move with respect to a flowing medium.
Where am I going with all this? The answer is wave-vortex duality.
Think about it for a moment. If you look at a simple sine wave pass by, the particles just make an up and down motion, (or just back and forth with longitudinal waves) but if you look at more complex waves, you start to get circles.
So if you are moving along with a point particle undergoing perturbation by waves then you’ll see a vortex in one place. If you’re moving at a significant speed with respect to it however then it’s just a wave.
Wave-vortex duality is the concept that waves pump vortices and vortices give off waves. They are somewhat interchangeable phenomena which can exchange energy.
So in the end, if there was an aether, then because of preferred frame mechanics, the interference patterns of some waves (especially counter-propagating ones) would make standing waves that were dependent upon your motion through the medium.
Wave-particle duality and wave-vortex duality would be the same thing.
Whether or not you say a standing wave vortex (a particle of matter) or just a wave (just electromagnetic phenomena) would be dependent upon your speed through that medium.
The speed of light, would, therefore act somewhat like the visible light spectrum in that it would represent an octave of phenomena in a range. That which was matter to you would be relative to its speed and that which was just waves would be those things beyond your “visual spectrum.”
It’s sort of like how we have an audio range. We can’s hear things of a given frequency, but if we moved fast enough with respect to the medium, then doppler effect would raise or lower the frequency to make it audible.
For this model I’m describing, your speed with respect to standing wave patterns that make up particles would be subject to doppler shift and therefore a transition point at each end of the spectrum would occur. As you moved, from your frame some matter would become more energetic and some would have less. Some matter would cross a transition point and some energy would. Just like a full range of sound would gain some audibility at one end and lose some at the other as you moved faster through the medium.
The hardest part to understand here is just the counter-propagation effects when it comes to creating standing waves. (which we see as vortex “particles”)
So yes, if Lorentz and Poincare were right, (and their theory actually is mathematically equivalent incidentally) the speed of light could possibly define a range of motions of the aether that determine whether or not something appears to be matter or energy to a moving observer.
This speed is your range of matter which is like an audible/visible spectrum.
The universe you experience would be determined by that range but just like insects see ultraviolet patterns on flowers that we do not, it doesn’t mean that it’s the only range that can be considered.
For instance, the speed of a wave in a medium is always the same because it is a property of that medium. Light wouldn’t even propagate in the forward direction once you reached light speed in a given direction. How would that work?
There’s still some miniscule possibility that there are enormously faster longitudinal waves in the universe but I’m not holding my breath.
Sure a universe with an aether would almost certainly have currents moving at massive speed differences so this would mean that things like stars would have their own speed bubbles around them of rotating aether like the heliopause, that represent local currents and therefore we’d have lots of weird border transitions to deal with.
Heck, even moving our particles (vortices) through a medium would involve a lot of weirdness with local currents and transition between vortical speeds and the surrounding media.
There’s a lot to consider to really determine if what I’ve described holds up to more scrutiny.
The point is that, some people just aren’t looking at the “more unlikely” propositions when they say no. Our idea of what is likely and what is not is just a form of bias that could easily be fundamentally flawed.
There are still many things that are not impossible, but simply seem very unlikely. (and something I’ve said above might actually be within the impossible range because I haven’t looked closely enough)
I can guarantee you that not one singe other person who reads this has EVER thought of this possibility. I’d wager it’s never been suggested in the history of mankind.
But the only way to find revolutionary new ideas is to explore the unlikely. Don’t lose your wonder!
If you’d like to learn more about the validity of aether theory in a modern context, read this paper:
[1804.01846] History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics
Creation time: Aug 10, 2018 05:07 PM PDT
Simpler yes, more broadly applicable no.
The most popular answer so far relays the consensus view that reality is just math with no need for mechanics. I regularly call this magical thinking, because that’s just what it is.
If we simply believe a description is an explanation, we are regressing back toward the caves. We are re-embracing faith about bottom level reality and it’s a very troubling trend that really started with Dirac as far as I can tell.
The map is NOT the territory.
Math is a tool of description that closely matches mechanics but it isn’t mechanics, it’s a description of it. Unfortunately there were decisions made out of pure desperation and “throwing our hands up” that resulted in reverting to faith.
“A widely accepted school of thought maintains that an objective picture of reality -in any traditional meaning of that term- cannot exist at all. Only the optimists among us (and I consider myself one of them) look upon this view as a philosophical extravagance born of despair in the face of a grave crisis. We hope that the fluctuations of concepts and opinions only indicate a violent process of transformtion which in the end will lead to something better thn the mess of formulas that to-day surrounds the subject.” - Schrödinger from "Our Conception of Matter." [reprinted in "What is Life and Other Scientific Essays (1956)]
That faith seems well placed in mathematics because it is so reliable, but unfortunately math is useless without the rational map between the symbols and that which is symbolized. We feel something like 2+2=4 is pure truth but it is not. It’s a symbol that is undefined. It’s a pointer without what is pointed to.
If it’s 2 apples and 2 apples then sure, we have 4 apples. What if, however, someone mistook oranges for additional apples, then the mathematical “truth” that we have 4 apples is a falsehood. This dependence of the link between the symbol and what is symbolized must NOT be ignored. This connective tissue between the two is absolutely crucial. A symbolic procedure must be proven to match the thing it symbolizes.
You can come to a rational conclusion and perform the operation correctly but if your mapping is wrong then you are wrong, period.
“This result is too beautiful to be false; it is more important to have beauty in one's equations than to have them fit experiment.” - Paul Dirac, The evolution of the Physicist's Picture of Nature Scientific American 208 (5) (1963)
“I learned to distrust all physical concepts as the basis for a theory. Instead one should put one's trust in a mathematical scheme, even if the scheme does not appear at first sight to be connected with physics. One should concentrate on getting interesting mathematics.” - Paul Dirac
Unfortunately that desperation led to a cultural shift that has directly damaged the progress of science. We now culturally believe that if something is reliable like mathematics that we’re not thinking magically but that’s patently untrue and it is the same mentality that has validated the schizophrenic ravings of numerologists for thousands of years now.
One can think quite magically about reality even with lots of perfect and useful quantification and mathematical rigor riding on top of the faith.
Consider the idea of spontaneous generation from long ago. If we were able to quantify exactly the meat-to-flies conversion ratio in precise mathematical terms, and accurately predict the speed of the meat conversion to flies based upon the weight of the meat, then we’ve contrived a precise system upon the top of what is basically a magical ideation about the nature of reality.
We can fool ourselves that our idea isn’t magical because of all the rigor constructed on top of it but the base is still magical thinking.
“Aren’t consistent results good enough?”
Good enough for what? Scientific pursuit and engineering practice are extremely closely related and overlapping but there is a very radical difference. One is simply the pursuit of all knowledge with the hope applications may one day come of it, whereas the other is the use of expectation and current knowledge to assemble useful things. They can be partially at odds.
In the following video, the location of the droplet can be described in the language of probability (Faraday wave mode of the cavity) in a very reliable manner. This is reliable information that could used in engineering and is therefore a level of truth, but there is another level of additional information also available.
Yes, I’m calling mainstream consensus physics concepts magical/superstitious thinking…
It’s truth within bounds but based upon a lack of knowledge of what underlies complex systems.
“We choose to examine a phenomenon [the double slit experiment] which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery. We cannot explain the mystery in the sense of “explaining” how it works. We will tell you how it works. In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics.” - Richard Feynman
That statement was true when he said it but it’s no longer true. We now understand a chaotically determinant mechanical system that does explain it without any weird assumptions. A very finite understanding has been established and simply hasn’t spread far enough through academic circles yet. I predict that by the end of the year it will reach critical threshold and the revolution we’ve been expecting will finally begin.
Pilot wave has been poorly understood, but John Bush from MIT will be releasing a review this summer which I believe will be the final catalyst for us to move away from magical beliefs holding back physics.
History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics
Creation time: Mar 29, 2019 06:18 PM PDT
Yes, but the very best scientists are the very WORST promoters.
The quanta magazine article entitled: “Famous Experiment Dooms Pilot-Wave Alternative to Quantum Weirdness” basically presented the spurious clickbait claim that the whole field of quantum hydrodynamic analogs was defunct based on a certain set of experimenters failure to replicate one single example of the silicon walker experiments first pioneered by Eves Couder.
While I am absolutely not claiming that there was conscious effort to bias the collective field of QM interpretation towards Copenhagen, this failure-to-replicate was headed by the grandson of Niels Bohr who is the most central contributor to Copenhagen interpretation and this pronouncement of “doom” for pilot wave would certainly help protect the Bohr family legacy, so I do not think it unreasonable to consider the source given that hydrodynamic interpretation of physics that started with Madelung threatens to completely rewrite our understanding of QM. (without the magical mumbo-jumbo)
The most gentle “mic drop” in history?
At the end of the paper abstract linked in the question above is the line “Our study underscores the importance of experimental precision in obtaining reproducible data.” which is a very nice way of saying that the failure to reproduce the double-slit experimental results mentioned in the QuantaMagazine article was simple gross incompetence in experimental set up. This paper went on to, not just replicate the double-slit phenomena in walkers, but show intimate details of various interactions of numerous variables upon the double-slit experiment.
Two of the fluid dynamacists mentioned in the Quanta article (John Bush | MIT Mathematics and Paul Milewski | Bath) have since participated in a review that lightly addresses this virally communicated falsehood from a pop-sci source by simply mentioning the paper cited in the question above. Yet, the review goes on to name experiment after experiment detailing an enormous plethora of different quantum mechanical behaviors shown in these walker systems researched at many independent labs. (juxtaposed to just discussion of double slit behavior) This was an even softer mic drop…
Their comprehensive overview has only gotten 182 views from September 2018 to the writing of this article at the end of January 2020. This is in contrast to the 130 comments alone on the clickbait Quanta article.
With the irrefutable truth that far too much published academic work exists even within sub-fields of physics for one person to be able to sift through all of it, the role and influence of popular scientific communication upon the field it is reporting cannot be undercut! How does one learn of relevant new science to investigate if it is not brought to the attention of a give scientist through easy means such as pop-sci communicators?
It remains true that thinkers without a strong “axe to grind” attitude who are full of the self-questioning necessary to eliminate bias, will always pose their arguments too weakly and lightly to properly influence the effect of the crowd upon the development of consensus knowledge.
That role falls to us. I hope you will all join me in promoting those who can’t properly promote their work while also maintaining the mental frame necessary to avoid bias.
Hydrodynamic quantum analogs | MIT
…and excuse my own attempt to correct that counter-productive academic strategy with my own entrance into the hydrodynamics revolution:
History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics (PDF)
Creation time: Jan 27, 2020 12:57 AM PST
Thanks for the A2A Jess, though I’m now curious about your motivation.
My answer is one that most trained people will dislike and untrained people will find highly satisfying. It’s that naughty thing now called “intuitive” that we used to just call rational.
We must first ask what is a wave and why it does what it does.
A wave is usually a phenomena in which particles which basically had equal forces between them before being disturbed, now have unequal forces between them. Each particle then moves toward the area of least resistance in response.
If a person enters an ice skating rink full of germophobes which are perfect at judging distances and they always attempt to maximize their distance from nearby people, what I described above will occur.
However, if the reaction times are the same for all the people then what you’ll observe from a top down view is an expanding ring of people adjusting their position away from the entrance point of the new person where he squeezed in and disturbed their even distribution.
The wave itself is just the bulk collection of actions. While there are different types of mechanical waves, the basic principle is the same in that it’s a seeking of equilibrium mediated by unequal forces in a collection of objects.
A wave is an action, not a thing.
Just like you can go for a run and call the word “run” a noun, it’s not a thing that can exist without a runner. We can arbitrarily quantify an action but it has no actual existence of its own without a thing taking the action. When you look out to waves in the ocean, you can count them but they are not separate from the water. They are something the water is doing.
A sound wave can occur in the air or it can occur in liquids or solids as well because it is a mechanical interaction of particles usually called a mechanical wave to differentiate it from EM waves.
So, if space does not have air to transmit waves of air particle interactions we call “sound waves” then no sound can be transmitted can it?
“Hey wait, if a wave is only an action then how can light (EM) travel in the vacuum!”
…and here is where I will part ways with my “learned” compatriots and agree with everyone in the 19th century that developed all that basis for science we use today… I’ll even agree with Einstein in saying that there must be an aether for light to be transmitted. Any other assertion is pure irrational faith-based nonsense.
"According to the general theory of relativity, space without aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense." -Albert Einstein 1920, University of Leiden
It was understood by everyone prior to special relativity that space must be filled with something that mediates the transmission of light waves. Something must be waving. Throughout the 19th century greats like Maxwell described inviscid fluid mechanics and the actions of vortices in the aether in the form of Maxwell’s equations that are the basis for electromagnetism today.
All of modern physics has a basis in the developments of fluid dynamics spawned by investigations of the aether.
[1804.01846] History of the NeoClassical Interpretation of Quantum and Relativistic Physics
Even Einstein tried over and over to get across to people that there has to be an aether but people stopped listening to him while still singing his praises. It’s a strange and complex social phenomena of becoming a figurehead.
“Uhh wait, so how does light travel in both at the same time?”
In much the same way as the Hot chocolate effect in that there are transitions between the mediums being traversed. The difficulty most people have is in understanding that aether is the “real” solid while matter is the ephemeral foam at the edges of the aether.
Creation time: May 07, 2018 05:25 AM PDT